I think our reviews need a little work

I just took a look at one of my listings. At the top of the listing where purchasers can leave a star review for a specific type of product that they’ve purchased on Bonanza, it reads funny when I click on it, does not make sense.

Meaning that both reviews are for another product, not the one I’m selling. Plus, one person who left a review makes it look like the review reflects on me as a seller.

I’m worried, Bonanza MGMT, that this may hinder some sales. Hoping it will change and be 100% true to the product. Also hoping that buyers will not be able to leave a comment in the review based on the experience they had with the seller but rather on the actual product. That’s what feedback is for.

Please help and thanks so much.


Here’s the link to my listing as an example on what I’m talking [URL removed]
https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Hallmark-Lord-Chadwick-Dickens-Caroler-Bell-Ornament-QX4554/[phone number removed]

asked over 6 years ago


SparklesJewelry says: February 09, 2018

I hate those reviews., Exactly as you said, they may not be for the one we are selling.

Atomicdiner says: February 10, 2018

People actually READ Reviews before they buy??? I wish they would READ the Description of the item they are going to buy. Too much ‘twitter attention span’ and wont read beyond the title line.

abigdogmom says: February 10, 2018

I had never noticed that section in the item description until you mentioned it, probably because I use a desktop and its further down in the catalog section. But, I think it looks bad for Bonanza, too.

EmpressDepot says: February 10, 2018

lol Atomic. I never thought of that. Maybe they are not being read after all. JK.

LuLusFancy says: February 10, 2018

I followed your link and I don’t see a place for reviews for that item, EmpressDepot. I haven’t seen any review function on any of my items either.

EmpressDepot says: February 10, 2018

Hi Lulu. If you look at the top where the gold stars are, you’ll see 2 reviews. When you click on the stars or the two reviews (cannot remember which), you’ll be taken to the bottom of the page and see the reviews that were left.

InspiredCreations says: February 10, 2018

I agree. Product reviews should be strictly about the purchased product, not about the seller. Feedback is the best area to note customer service about a seller.

InspiredCreations says: February 10, 2018

Do we have a place to see all completed reviews that have been done on our products?

abigdogmom says: February 10, 2018

LuLu, I don’t see any gold stars either, but I am using a desktop and find the reviews down the page in the Catalog info section.

EmpressDepot says: February 10, 2018

Not that I know of InspiredCreations. It is weird that some of you are seeing it and some not. I’m on a desktop…

iluvmypet says: February 10, 2018

I’m not seeing any reviews on my end, either, for your item.

EmpressDepot says: February 10, 2018

I posted a second link that should take you to a listing that is not for sale where I did a screenshot of the listing to show what I mean.

rapidreader says: February 11, 2018

I see the reviews are gone now, but I did see them right after you posted this. So it appears Bonanza has responded to your complaint. : 0)

InspiredCreations says: February 11, 2018

I also see the reviews are gone.

EmpressDepot says: February 11, 2018

Yes, they must have removed the two reviews since they had nothing to do with the listing I had up for sale and the one was complaining about a previous seller. I’m not sure if it is fixed all across the board with the reviews. If not, at least it is a start. Thanks Bonz.

1 Answer

That is really cool of Bonanza. I see that the 2 reviews are gone.

Way to go Bonanza!!!

Thank you.

Editing to [URL removed] Okay, this may not be fixed. It is what it is, nothing I can do about it but just hope that one day the reviews will be fine-tuned.

Moving forward with my booth.

Have an excellent week with sales everyone.


answered over 6 years ago


ArtistsUnion says: February 12, 2018

I still can see those stars and 2 reviews on Your listing, so maybe it’s a work in progress…

EmpressDepot says: February 12, 2018

Okay. This is getting wierder by the minute. I’m not seeing them :) But before some people did and some people did not. I’ll just have to hope that the reviews/stars when seen by a customer are not confusing and do not reflect on me…

EmpressDepot says: February 12, 2018

Thank you, ArtistUnion

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