Not a happy camper bonz shows other items instead of description of my 1 item

I clicked on 1 of my own booth’s items and the item did pop up but the item details and the Description did not show, instead a bunch of OTHER items – NOT MINE, NOT in My Booth came up with a note that said ‘’Why are we showing you these items?’’ & as if that is not ridiculous enough when I clicked on ‘’why are we…’’ An answer that said ‘’These items are not that similar to your original item, we just thought we’d show ‘em for kicks.’’ REALLY??? I have been working hard to come out of retirement & Trying to sell in Bonanza again…LAST thing I want a potential customer to see are 50 items that are NOT Mine, plus My item’s Description does NOT show either, and a glib joke of… ‘’not that similar to your original item, we just thought we’d show ‘em for kicks.’’ I found Neither fun nor funny nor did I get a kick out of it…begging those in charge NOT to continue this practice, of side swiping a potential customer away from my item & description…in my booth….and replacing with 50 other items of which NONE were [URL removed] my question is “Why? & What Good is this ’’new’’ Thing?” Thanks Dee

asked over 5 years ago


EmpressDepot says: October 08, 2018

I think I know what you are talking about. It was brought up I think in an in depth conversation. Not a happy camper either.

EmpressDepot says: October 08, 2018

I’m wondering if the comments you read is something new that was added since the conversation or I just never saw it. Lord.

A2z4u2c says: October 08, 2018

I dont’ see that in your booth or mine.

divinefabricsnmore says: October 08, 2018

A2z….It is not there permanently, but I have been a member since 2009, and trust me thevway I described what happened is exactly what happened…my question is “Why?” & my other inquiry is “What?” As in WHY would those in charge incorporate such a thing, and WHAT Good is it?

abigdogmom says: October 09, 2018

I would bee willing to bet you a dollar to a donut that the items they were showing where from booths with memberships.

abigdogmom says: October 09, 2018

I meant ‘be’ not ‘bee’

EmpressDepot says: October 10, 2018

2 Answers

When I go to your booth and click on an item it comes up just fine with your details – just wondering if you are using a PC or smart phone to browse?

answered over 5 years ago


divinefabricsnmore says: October 10, 2018

Yes for the MOST part everything is hunky dory and all comes up just fine, but that does not eliminate the FACT that Bonanza has incorporated some kind of ‘’once in awhile’’ thingie when a person is doing a Booth Search. I am on a Mac Computer. My Mac is highly protected by anti-spam, anti-virus..

divinefabricsnmore says: October 10, 2018

continuing from upper comment…and what does it matter if I saw such on a phone, tablet, whatever…because what happened was Bonanza substituted their little absurd dittie of showing 50 OTHER items for what should have been my item’s Description, and this upset me they would DO an item hijacking.

gearseller2 says: October 10, 2018

Well “divinefabricsnmore” now you’ve done itt! I now find that I can’t unsee what I saw!! I wrote support a scathing letter about this practice. I"ll let you know if I hear anything.

I’m not sure why they would do that either but at least the good news is that your item details and descriptions do show. You have to scroll down a bit below the specs but they are there. Been here for 10 years never noticed “More like this”!! BUT the ones that actually are “like mine” are mine! Crazy stuff…

answered over 5 years ago

1 Comment

divinefabricsnmore says: October 10, 2018

’’1’s…like mine…are mine!‘’ ~ Well I’ll tell ya’ NONE of what was showing was mine, and there were 50 of them, egad!?! Also I did scroll down, and I did not see my Description, only Quilt Patterns (my item was fabric – their 50 picks were all patterns)…I should have ’’captured’’ pg, I didn’t.

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