Why are my items not importing from ebay

So all my items started disappearing from Bonanza or the photos went missing. I decided to delete everything and do a clean import from eBay. Well 72 hours later I am still waiting for my listings to come thru. The only listings getting importing to Bonanza are new or revised listings. Import in progress for 72 hours, what is going on. I cancelled and try again and it just stops at 238 of 1,020 listings and have been sitting there for over 24 hours. Items that do import only bring over 1 photo from eBay. What is going on, cant sell if my listing are not visible. Now I have a whopping 23 listings in my booth out of more than 1000 listings HELP!!!!

asked over 5 years ago

1 Comment

MirravoxMarket says: September 22, 2018

Having the same problem here and Bonanza simply sent me an unhelpful canned response.

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Asked: over 5 years ago

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