Why in the last 2 months have my sales come to a complete stop?

Every since they starting updating the site and everything I have not made any sales. I usually always make at least 6 sales a month and for the last 2 months I have gotten nothing. Is this because I did not purchase a store front? Is this not a good place to market if you do it for free?

asked almost 9 years ago

5 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Hi NovelleCouture,

Sorry to hear that your sales have not met expectations lately. We have been making some improvements to the site to make it more user friendly for buyers and sellers. Keep in mind that shopping habits change with the seasons and during the summer months traffic can often slow down. We have a great help page with some tips and tricks on how to increase traffic and invite you to take a look [URL removed]
[URL removed]

We hope that you find some useful information on the page linked above. Don’t hesitate to let us know if there is anything that we can do to contribute to the success of your booth.

The Bonanza Team

answered almost 9 years ago

MY sales & views have gone to Zero! I was selling 10 to 15 items per week & in the last 7 days I have Zero!

My items are no longer appearing on the google shopping results. I just searched for a half dozen items and not one of them is there anymore. Please help!

I have a paid membership now (Gold) & I have the webstore. All together I am spending several hundred dollars a year & if I don’t see any improvements I will have to cancel it all.

answered almost 9 years ago


Smile_n_Save says: September 01, 2015

I had a Titan account and my sales dropped to zero several weeks ago. I looked at my stats and saw NO PAGE VIEWS!!!

Smile_n_Save says: September 01, 2015

Rather than help me fix the issue, they said it was a problem with my listings to google. Mind you I was also not getting page views from any of the other shopping engines. They pulled my Titan membership, refunded it for the month and now I am lucky to make one sale a week.

Your not the only one, I haven’t had a sale in 2 months either. I don’t know whats happen to Bonanza.

answered almost 9 years ago

I have made no sales in almost 3 weeks. It was sporadic before that, but now my items are barely (like six items) appearing in google shopping, NOT AT ALL on bing, nothing hardly on pricegrabber; and items are showing up on NexTag, but they have NO photos. I think Bonanza needs to own up to the problem they are having. We do not exist in a vacuum, my friends. The chart on my bonanza store dashboard shows almost ZERO views from ads since Sept 1. That cannot be just a “fluke”. I have totally revamped my google attributes, shipping profiles, added MPN information… nothing is working.

answered over 8 years ago

Mine have gone to zero they past 2 months. Something is going on.

answered almost 2 years ago

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Viewed: 2924 times

Asked: almost 9 years ago

Latest response: almost 2 years ago

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