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Google Base Display Name Doesn't Meet Program Policies (Updated 1/12)
bharding Jan 10, 2009

Google Base Display Name Doesn't Meet Program Policies (Updated 1/12)

This just in, Monday the 12th! As I had suspected, it sounds like this message was sent by Google in error. Here is the forum message from them acknowledging the boo boo and saying everything is going to be OK. Original Post follows... If you've setup your booth with Google Base, you probably got an email saying something to that effect at some point today. We have already written an email to Google to get clarification as to what triggered these emails. Google respond within a couple business days, so I expect we'll hear back from them before too long. If it turns out that they do want some change to how the booth feeds are formatted or whatnot, we'll make such a change our top priority. But at this point, folks not on Bonanzle are getting the message as well, so it may just be an erroneously sent email. We can't say for sure quite yet. In the meantime, set aside the email and we'll send you instructions if it turns out that anything needs to be changed in your Google Base account.

And in Other News

Thanks to everyone for making it a tremendously successful December at Bonanzle! Your word of mouth recommendations increased visitors traffic by more than 70% for a sixth straight month, making us now the third biggest eBay alternative online by traffic volume! How cool is that? TODO next blog: explain exactly what a Bonanzle "widget" is. :)

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38 responses to Google Base Display Name Doesn't Meet Program Policies (Updated 1/12)

ladyyankee says: 01/10/09 at 21:43:51

Great to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

modmen says: 01/10/09 at 21:55:24

very cool,

sofyblu2 says: 01/10/09 at 22:13:41

Thanks Bill! And thanks to everybody for making The B such a big success! Off and on to 2nd place!!

pieper says: 01/10/09 at 22:20:42

Thanks, Bill…it’s such a comfort having someone to look to for answers … you are da bomb!

ANightOwl says: 01/10/09 at 22:51:28

There I was, all worried about it, and you’ve already got it in hand Perfect! Thanks so much for letting us know and handling it.

gypsygirl says: 01/11/09 at 02:32:12

Just got that email, so was good I caught this.
On top of that the blue bar is gone! My smiley appears to be back! lets try it..

gypsygirl says: 01/11/09 at 02:32:42

Yep, Thanks Bill, smiley to you~

Rods_Books says: 01/11/09 at 03:46:37

Just received the email this morning.
Bonanzle support is on top if it!!
This is just one more example of the level of member support here at Bonanzle. Thanks!!!

BargainBasement says: 01/11/09 at 04:20:11

Got similar emails….glad you’re working on it! I have 90+ items in my booth and only 34 are on Google and I have not a clue…

garagemama says: 01/11/09 at 04:45:15

I got the email for my store on another site. Glad to hear I’m not the only one, lol. And thank you very much! You are right on top of things!

EastCoastNightGirl says: 01/11/09 at 05:12:56

I got the email too.
I’m glad I can sit back and let you handle it.

nelsonsfla says: 01/11/09 at 05:37:09


Dude&Chick says: 01/11/09 at 06:19:18

You guys are awesome! It’s so nice to know the people in charge actually CARE! they care a lot THANK YOU !

Sunflower_Boutique says: 01/11/09 at 07:08:37

WOW…that is fantastic Bill and everyone that has made this possible!!! Let’s kick some proverbial other site you know what…lol

EclecticAve says: 01/11/09 at 07:12:19

Thank you for always being on top of things here. We really appreciate it

StarvingPackrats says: 01/11/09 at 08:21:18

And here we thought it was us! Thanks for being such a good shepherd, Bill! You’re the best

jGaragesaleGoddess says: 01/11/09 at 08:29:57

Here’s to an awesome 2009!

Evesbooth2 says: 01/11/09 at 08:48:46

lol…Thanks for letting us know…I couldn’t figure out what they didn’t like about my “evesbooth” name (my other booth). How much simpler could the name be…lol…

Glad you guys are right on top of this, like I didn’t know you were

orlenahopeNH says: 01/11/09 at 09:30:01

thanks for the update, and a speedy one at that! I just saw it and was wondering about it. Thank you for being so above and beyond great!

bookbrowzers says: 01/11/09 at 09:34:25

I got it too, just like everyone else, and was going to post a question about it…and then as I’m logging in and see the blog I find that The Boyz are already all over it first thing. AMAZING!

Fantastic news about the traffic stats too!! I knew it was gettin busy around here, just didn’t know exactly how busy. Again, AMAZING!

OakIslandBoutique says: 01/11/09 at 09:35:32

Thanks for keeping us informed, Bill.

thejooledmagpie says: 01/11/09 at 11:50:02

Thank you for posting this, Bill. I assumed I had messed up something while setting up my Google Checkout account.

rwalker55 says: 01/11/09 at 12:13:04

Yes, thanks for taking care of this, I have now received my 2nd email from

RM1Gordon says: 01/11/09 at 13:08:18

Received the email. thanks for the heads up, Hope it gets back to normal.. Great to be with Bonanzle.

zanderbooks says: 01/11/09 at 15:13:34

Got the email also. What a great relief to come here and see that you’re already on top of this (natch!). Thank you so very much, Bill!!!!

Griffengarb says: 01/11/09 at 15:44:15

I read my email after seeing the posts here in the forum and felt I could not respond last night . I did not have a clue.Then I opened my mail and had the same mail. It still had me a bit buffaloed? as to what was wrong? But so many also got this same email.
Hope there is a simple explanation!Good job Bonanzle!

Griffengarb says: 01/11/09 at 15:45:42

Also forgot to post the fact that I have not done the Google feed from Bonanzle. I did attempt once but ran into a bit of an issue so I never sent it. Wonder how why I still got the email?

SunflowerAntics says: 01/11/09 at 19:20:20

Thanks Bill! I DID receive a letter from Google today and will put it aside to see what happens. I have used Cheyenne2u for near a year now on Google Base and have had no problems – so I am stumped too! My feeds are up and running without any errors. Will watch to see what happens. Thank you for being on TOP of things – I really appreciate it! I LOVE Bonanzle and you Boyz ROCK!! Kim

permacrisis says: 01/11/09 at 19:56:11

Even if GB crapped out altogether we’re still on Oodle…

Got the mail, changed the name, got it again! But now, I’m not worried

Thanks guys.

ZiggyZool says: 01/11/09 at 21:42:25

3rd largest !!!! Woo Hoot!!! that’s AMAZINGLY Wonderful News! and on top of that we’re way ove 19000 members already

Thanks for the update Bill! Looking forward to the next blog on what a Bonanzle Widget is… I’ve already been playing with it … now just to be able to get it to post and work on something…I know its me doing something weird…


SparrowsJewels says: 01/12/09 at 06:32:08

Very Cool !!! You guys are so on top of it !!! Third largest, well 2nd place here we come

McCormicksGiftShoppe says: 01/12/09 at 07:15:36

Thanks for the heads up concerning the email from Google! You guys are great! Will wait for further info.

Congratulations to you (Bonanzle Boyz) for creating the third largest eBay alternative site by traffic volume! This is only the beginning!

yellowsand1964 says: 01/12/09 at 08:40:13

ty for that..we going to be able to save our home and have sales..ty BONANZLE


MagickalMe says: 01/12/09 at 13:34:31

Thank heavens! I was dreading going back in and trying it again. I don’t know html from crew socks, so I’d be lost fer shure.

EastCoastNightGirl says: 01/12/09 at 15:42:45

Thanks for the update. I new it had to be an error on Googles end.

glorsstore says: 01/12/09 at 18:24:27

Oops! I went in and changed a few things… the store name, the url, etc. Now what should I do? Thanks!

VictoriansageVintage says: 01/13/09 at 06:51:56

Thanks for caring enough to check into it for all us. You guyz rock!

grandmasgoodies says: 02/03/09 at 16:37:03

Thanks so much. I know I just got my first sale after 2 months of joining but I know things are going to go great on this site. I’m hanging in here

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