Where are these slashed prices coming from?

Next to the prices of all the items in my booth there are prices with a slash through them. I never put this there and have no idea where it’s coming from nor do I understand the point of it. Anyone?

asked almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth


cjazzcarolina says: August 19, 2015

I noticed that last night as well.can’t wait to see the answers .Very strange how my prices looked inflated & then marked on sale .

cjazzcarolina says: August 19, 2015

6:35 am east coast : just checked boyh our items , appears original now, no slashed sale prices

pagrumpy says: August 19, 2015

Makes your very nice expensive items on sale its called marketing ! I like the idea wish i could figure out how to make it show up on my items,

ORANGECOUNTYSPORTS says: August 19, 2015

i agree with pagrumpy. this is a great marketing tool for sellers. I hope it stays!!

17 Answers

This is an official Bonanza response.

Good eye belmodo. We are running some split tests on the back in an ongoing effort to increase conversions for all merchants. We should get the data we need by weeks end.

We often run such tests so that we can make sure we are taking advantage of every opportunity to get Bonanza sellers as many sales as we can. Thank you for your patience during this time.

answered almost 9 years ago


ArtistsUnion says: August 19, 2015

Dear Mark, please, could we be informed about those test earlier, so we would not lose many hours of our work in vain. I couldn’t add new items to show to the particular Buyer, who contacted me via B. messages, I couldn’t send any link and above these two, there was no possibility to send….

ArtistsUnion says: August 19, 2015

some [URL removed] So, please, tell me, how could I contact this Buyer and keep H. on Bonanza? Can we at least have the option to add photos in B. messages? Thank You.

ORANGECOUNTYSPORTS says: August 19, 2015

Hi Mark as i stated this is great. i have a Marketing Degree and this is good for buyers to see a discount so they feel that they are getting a deal. if you dont do this site wide please allow sellers to use this tool in there booth. Thank you

cjazzcarolina says: August 19, 2015

I understand what you’re sayinng , but I have rock bottom " sale prices " to start with. How about making it a sellers option per item listing.

pagrumpy says: August 19, 2015

We should have the option discount “slash price” great marketing idea " Any one ever head of falling prices" That slogan made a company millions

misskeech says: August 19, 2015

[URL removed] While that test was happening, if a buyer came along and purchased the item, would the buyer have received the lower price that was discounted??

pagrumpy says: August 20, 2015

Thanks for the kick in the a—— I have gotten complacent!! slashed prices work, i now in process of pricing items same as other venues then showing slashed prices on Bonanza

OK, slashed prices are everywhere. What the heck??
Big number of bad little green men are racing through Bonz’ HQ…????

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 869
See BlueBoy's booth

1 Comment

ArtistsUnion says: August 19, 2015

In your first 4 listings I don’t see slashed prices only OBO. Please, see my comment above, maybe it’s the similar case. Although, I wouldn’t like to see these wrongly discounted prices, when I’m logged in, but at least they are not online now.

Ooops, My prices are slashed through too (overpriced)
Showing is my original price … as if I had discounted a much too high priced item.

answered almost 9 years ago

1 Comment

ArtistsUnion says: August 19, 2015

I opened some of your listings and didn’t see slashed prices. Please, log out and check, if you still have the same picture. It’s possible that only you can see them, when you are logged in.

The “slashed” prices only appear on the item’s individual page and NOT on the main booth page. It appears that the seller’s original set price is shown in both locations. The “slashed” price is higher and (I’m guessing here) is set based on some algorithm used to gather prices for the same item being sold elsewhere (ebay, amazon, or from Google Shopping averages).

But, no matter how the higher price is arrived out, it could be a good thing if your original asking price is lower than the (average?) price that is showing up as a “slashed” price on your item page. I’ll be interested in finding out how the sales conversion rates were impacted.

Also, in my particular case, my asking prices are 15-20% lower than the “slashed” prices PLUS I offer “free” (yes, it’s not really free, it’s just included in the price) shipping. This makes my items a GREAT DEAL compared to the average selling prices out there.

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 8637
See tomwayne1's booth


misskeech says: August 19, 2015

the slashed price was higher and not lower??

tomwayne1 says: August 19, 2015

The slashed price is the one with the slash through it. Therefore, it would be the higher price.

Well, I just found out that I have the same slashed prices in all my listings ?
I never did that, everything looks like it was overpriced ?
How to get rid of this ?

answered almost 9 years ago


Vintage_Treasures_ says: August 19, 2015

No. I dont’ find that a good thing, it looks like everything it was overpriced to start with.

cjazzcarolina says: August 19, 2015

I agree , everything looked overpriced in mine too . I don’t think that pricing should be up to anyone but the seller.

They shouldn’t be messing with information in the listings and doing things like making it look as though the seller is discounting their prices.

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 1291
See A2z4u2c's booth

As much as I think discounting is a desirable option, and one that I would want to use, it shouldn’t be imposed on live offerings except by the seller. Set up a virtual network for testing, or have an opt-in beta program.

answered almost 9 years ago


ArtistsUnion says: August 19, 2015


tomwayne1 says: August 19, 2015

Keep in mind, the seller’s original asking price did NOT change. Bonanza appears to be adding (and then “slashing” it) some kind of average selling price that the items might sell for elsewhere.

I’m seeing them in two of my three booth. Sure hope this will be optional!

answered almost 9 years ago

The worst thing is, this is a LIE. Just like the sorted by “Popularity” is a lie. Is there no one who cares to be truthful these days?

answered almost 9 years ago


cjazzcarolina says: August 19, 2015

It’s tampering as well…not my listing if someone decides to change pricing other than myself

tomwayne1 says: August 19, 2015

Keep in mind, the seller’s original asking price did NOT change. Bonanza appears to be adding (and then “slashing” it) some kind of average selling price that the items might sell for elsewhere.

for those who don’t know, if you have a membership, the visible markdown is in the batch edit (Update items as a [URL removed] Item [URL removed] Apply discount as a visible markdown)

…if you do not have a paid membership, (gold or higher) then the markdown can be used but it just shows the lower price…

as for the testing without permission on seller’s items….well, I would have like to be asked if I wanted to participate (I probably would have, but asking would have been nice)

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 12648
See ccmom's booth


ORANGECOUNTYSPORTS says: August 19, 2015

Bonanza is doing the right thing and bringing more buyers too the site. When my items have a sale price slash i get more sales. That is a fact!! The staff here only has members best interest at heart..unlike FEEBAY

tomwayne1 says: August 19, 2015

Keep in mind, the seller’s original asking price did NOT change. Bonanza appears to be adding (and then “slashing” it) some kind of average selling price that the items might sell for elsewhere.

misskeech says: August 19, 2015

Tomwayne, we or I understand what you are saying! Yes, we KNOW the price did not change., but we were NOT asked to do it and neither were we notified about it!

Ok, i see mine are slashed also. But they dont look like they were deeply discounted. It looks like just a few dollars, so that is fine with me. STill wish the boyz would have told us so we didn’t have to find out this way.

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 1958
See misskeech's booth

oh my .. well they did say it was a test.. lets see how it turns out before we stomp our feet ;-)

answered almost 9 years ago

I really dislike this feature, items that I just listed, and adjusted prices while listing, are showing up as discounted. I often change prices and I don’t want this to show as being discounted. Please consider removing this feature or make it an optional one for those who wish to use it.

Edit to [URL removed]

I just saw that it has been changed back, thank you so much for removing this feature.

It is now 4:37 EST and the slashes are back again.

answered almost 9 years ago

1 Comment

misskeech says: August 20, 2015


The comment notifier doesn’t work, had no idea the post was responded to. I don’t really understand how the slashed price thing works but if it’s just a test that’s fine.

answered almost 9 years ago

Reputation: 48
See belmodo's booth

Totally dislike this feature; test or no test. Sellers item prices should not be manipulated in this way, even if it is only the seller seeing it. Marketing techniques like that should be at the discretion of the seller. There should be no such interference with a seller’s booth.

answered almost 9 years ago

I have the same problem. I noticed this with duplicated items.

And this appears in 3 [URL removed]

1) When the price for the new item happens to be the same, but it’s not discounted (so I wish to be able to delete this extra, not true, slashed price)

2) When the price for the new item is lower from the duplicated one, I correct it and then it appears (wrongly) as a discounted

3) Even if the price of the new item is bigger than duplicated, it STILL appears as discounted item!!! just showing bigger slashed price.

Please, can you fix it, so only the items we really want to be shown as discounted would have this.

After two days of the site technical problems and not being able to add new items, now this occurs…

[URL removed] “It looks like just a few dollars…”

On my listings it was about 20%

![URL removed]

![URL removed]

I understand ORANGECOUNTYSPORTS’s point of view, but my concern was the credibility (if this is imposed by B. and shows on all listings and it’s not our option):

the second photo above is of a new added item with a BIN price from eBay.
It was there only few days, but still some Buyers could see it and if somebody sees it here with this new bigger slashed price, it wouldn’t look nice, would it? (however the painting is worth much more indeed)

In some other cases, with already discounted items, it would be very useful option.
Since it’s already added and we can see it in our edited listings, it would be good for sellers to be able to use it, when it’s needed.

answered almost 9 years ago

1 Comment

ArtistsUnion says: August 19, 2015

08:35 PDT – Thank you for quick fixing it, I appreciate it.

Well this is a good thing. This is marketing to make the buyer feel that they will save money on your items.

answered almost 9 years ago

1 Comment

pagrumpy says: August 20, 2015

WOW all this is folks is marking 101; mark item up slash to the price you want 10 % off 25% off 50% off on & on , sales will increase.

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Latest response: almost 9 years ago

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