GREAT FOR THYROID & ADRENAL FATIGUE - Our 100% plant-based energy tablet is blend of 8 Ayurvedic Pranic Herbs that increases and balances energy all over your body, enhances focus and mental performance, making it the perfect WAY TO START THE MORNING and pre workout tablet. HEALTHY AND CLEAN ENERGY – Made of clinically tested and trademarked ingredients that are safe and healthy for your body. Making the be energy enhancer tablet part of your daily regimen will help you function at optimal levels of energy throughout the day and maintains a mind and body balance resulting in Homeostasis (cellular equilibrium) ADDITIONAL BENEFITS – There is much more benefits than increased energy and focus! The tablet also helps you lower inflammation and stress, creates calm, builds immune system, increases an alert state of mind and significantly reduces and regulates cortisol levels in your body. PERFECT FOR – Whether you are in constant movement during the day or you are someone sitting at an office desk, at a certain point of the day or even before your day starts, you may feel physical or mental fatigue. Our Herbal Energy Formula tablet will greatly eliminate your fatigue and lack of motivation. Recommended for Athletes, Yogis, non-nursing moms on the go, busy professionals and anyone who needs that extra boost of energy during the day. ALL-NATURAL INGREDIENTS – The Roots of Wisdom product be is a complete plant-based supplement that features trademarked patented ingredients that are all Vegan, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Non-GMO and Dairy Free. This pre-workout energy tablet is rich in Prana and maintains a mind and body balance using a combination of organic and wildcrafted ingredients.