Kaytee Forti Diet Pro Health Conure and Lovebird Food provides pet birds with the daily nutrition they need for a long, happy life. This wholesome blend is fortified with Omega-3 and probiotics to support your birds health and immune support while enhancing color and plumage. Nutritious daily diet for conures and lovebirds With DHA, Omega-3 and probiotics Enhances natural colors and plumage Added Omega-3 supports heart, brain and visual functions, while natural antioxidants, probiotics and prebiotics support overall health, immunity and healthy digestion. Resealable package preserves freshness. Allergen information: Contains peanuts and/or other tree nuts. Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein (min) - 15.0% Crude Fat (min) - 10.0% Crude Fiber (max) - 12.0% Moisture (max) - 12.0% Omega-3 (min) - 0.4%