CHIA - Native to south-west America, it has been highly valued as a nutrient-dense staple food for hundreds of years. Chia was grown by the Aztecs and other indigenous people of Mexico and America. Tiny chia seeds are prized for being high in essential fatty acids, fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. They come with a nutty flavor and can be consumed raw. The therapeutic tea made from fresh or dried chia leaves is used to treat various conditions. The seeds are known as ‘energy food’ and are included in the list of superfoods by dietitians all over the world. Instead of buying sprouted chia seeds from a health store, you can sprout your own for a fraction of the cost. Chia is also used as a microgreen in salads, sandwiches. If you choose to grow as a herb, the dried leaves are used in tea's. These seeds are organic and grown in Kansas. 4 ounces = 120,000+ seeds.

Sprinkle a thin layer of Chia Seed on the bottom of a terra cotta dish or plate (unsealed/uncoated).
  1. Set the terra cotta dish in a larger plate of water.
  2. Cover with another plate.
  3. Small amounts of water permeate the terra cotta plate upon which the chia seeds sit, and provide exactly the right amount of water to sprout them.
  4. On the second day, lightly mist the seeds.
  5. Harvest on the third day.
  6. It takes about 2 or 3 days to get healthy Chia sprouts.
Covered container at least 4"deep.
Place 1/2" organic potting soil in container.
Sprinkle CHIA seeds evenly onto soil.
Lightly water and cover.
Sprouts in 2/3 days. Keep lightly moist.
Chia microgreens in 5/6 days
  2. Herb-
  3. Full sun.
  4. Spring.
  5. Soil temp 75F+.
  6. SOW- 3/4 seeds per. Press into soil, 12" apart. Keep moist.
  7. Germination 3 days.
  8. Thin to best seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts.
  9. Medium to light water.
  10. Height 24"-36" x 12" wide.
  11. Flowers are blue. Blooms mid-late summer.