OREGON SUNSHINE aka Wooley Sunflower. Easy to grow from seeds. This is a tough as nails plant that thrives where most plants can't. Full sun and dry, poor soils is where this plant is happiest. The only enemy of the Wooley Sunflower is too much water and fertilizer. Pretty much carefree after established. Woolly(namesake) grey foliage with multiple leafy stems reaching 1?-2? tall. The 1"-4" leaves are narrow and lobed. The flowers are bright yellow and about-2" wide and have yellow central disks. Host plant for the Painted Lady Butterfly. 300+ Seeds per order. Thank you!

Eriophyllum lanatum.
Full sun.
Spring, soil temp 70F+.
SOW 3 seeds per plant,1/8"deep, about 10"apart. Keep moist.
Germination 7-21 Days.
Medium water. 
Thin to single best seedling. Use scissors to cut out unwanted sprouts.
Flowers are yellow. Blooms from summer through fall.