I shall enter the desecrated crypts make a sacrifice to the spirits on your behalf placing a conduit within it and sealing it within the walls of the sacred crypt in between worlds opening a rift sending out a permeating wave of energy that is quite permanent you shall be -Immune to all magical attacks demonic,angelic or alien energies -Be able to feed on death and life to rejuvenate yourself -Connection to dead spirits who will obey your command many can gather wealth destroy your enemies -you shall age slower and rejuvenate essences accidents will be less prone to occur or run ins with death. -control over death -physical transmorgrification you vessel shall become stronger faster and very hard to destroy healing ailments and being augmented by a supernatural metabolism or immune system. This is one of my many powerful secret rites in which I use to fend off all attacks and keep myself alive without this ritual my ailments heatt attacks strokes of the past would've seized my life.