New!         Card Size: 2.625 x 3.625  Pocket Edition
Holographic Edition
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This 44-card oracle  contains a fun and playful approach to making friends with your inner mean girl to help you build confidence, resilience, and reclaim your personal power. Whether you’re feeling stuck or needing a motivational kick in the butt this guidebook will help you to believe in yourself, overcome overwhelming negative thoughts, and encourage you to manifest your wild and crazy dreams. This tool for self-discovery embodies empowerment, equality, courage, freedom, sisterhood, and the space to be your authentic self, unapologetically.
Let the wisdom within guide you back home to your soul’s sacred center and may you remember just how badass you truly are because you are meant to SHINE! My mission is to awaken Lightworkers to overcome their fear of shining bright. You are meant to share your unique sparkle magic with the world. You are here for a reason. Your soul knows the way. Listen to your heart and trust the process unfolding. You are exactly where you need to be.
New to woo-woo? These cards will help you cultivate clarity and develop a deeper connection to your intuition in a fun and playful way. With regular use, you’ll discover the cards act as a “magic mirror” reflecting your own thoughts, fears, emotions, and deeper desires back to you. Whatever you most need at the moment will show up. Each card will feel like a “confirmation” like you “already knew” the answer. The more time you spend trusting your own intuitive insight, the more you’ll learn the subtle language your soul sweetly speaks to you. Trust her, she’s always right.
There is a QR code on the box, scan the QR code to get the digital manual. No printed manual comes with these cards
This is a pocket edition tarot deck , not a giant deck size. It is the size between the giant and mini version decks.