Nice to meet you, my old and new friends!

Welcome to my private collection of very special and unique paranormal items.







Archangel Michael

The Prince of the Heavenly Host


Archangel Michael is beloved by Pagans, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and the unaffiliated. His name means "who is like the Lord."

Michael guards the Gates of Paradise.

Archangel Michael is head of the Lord's Army. He crushed the Rebel Angels. Legend has it that if Lucifer could only have persuaded Michael to join him, Heaven would have been overthrown.

Michael is the Angel of Righteousness - he does what is right. He cannot be bribed.

He is among the few angels who know the Ineffable Name of Power.

Invoke him for protection from anything that frightens you. If you are worried about the safety of loved ones, Michael can be petitioned on their behalf.

He accepts petitions from one person on behalf for another.

He is the Archangel of Justice and can be invoked to provide justice for harms committed against you.

He is the special protector of victims of rape and may be invoked for protection against sexual abuse.

Archangel Michael has dominion over Fire Magic and candle spells. He is the Angel of fire safety, also safety at sea. He is the patron of those suffering from sea sickness or motion sickness. Michael is the Angel of Insomnia, which he both heals and causes.

Michael as humanity's defender is everyone's Guardian.


Archangel Gabriel


Gabriel is revered by Jews, Muslims, Christians and the unaffiliated.

Gabriel is the great and powerful angel of hope, love, light, and illumination. He is an angel of justice and joy. He is benevolent, and compassionate.

Gabriel is the Angel of the Holy Spirit and Guardian of the Holy Waters of Life.

He serves the Creator directly.

He has close communications with the Creator so he is a powerful intercessor.

Archangel Gabriel can to perform Miracles. Although all the Archangels are miracle-workers, Gabriel produces more and is the most generous.

Archangel Michael is humanity's defender, but Gabriel is our support.

Gabriel has dominion over birth and death.

He is among the angels most frequently invoked to heal infertility.

Gabriel is the highest and foremost among angels. He serves as mediator between Creator and creation.

In Islam Gabriel is the angel who dictated the Koran to Muhammed.

Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of Dreams. Invoke him to improve your dreaming skills, terminate nightmares, or to provide prophetic dreams.

Gabriel is among the spiritual Guardians of Earth.


Archangel Raphael

The Lord's Healer


Raphael, Regent of the Sun, is the archangel of healing. He is able to perform miraculous cures and to vanquish powerful demons. Raphael is the Angel of Joy, Love, and Compassion. He vies with Michael and Gabriel for title of Most Loved Angel.

Raphael is among the seven angels who surround the Throne of Glory.

Raphael is the Guardian of the Tree of Life.

He is the angel with the flaming sword who guards the gates of Eden.

He is the Guardian of the Holy Grail.

Although his ally Michael is the warrior angel, Raphael is an acclaimed demon-banisher too. He commands, compels, and banishes even the most formidable spirits.

Raphael possesses the power of the Ineffable Name. He is invoked to banish wicked spirits and to break malignant spells. As the Archangel of Healing, he can potentially heal any illness, ailment, or condition. His specialties include vision problems (literally or metaphorically). Raphael soothes and heals mental illness. He banishes nightmares.

Raphael protects anyone who calls upon him and invokes his name.


Their vessel is vintage Sterling Silver Pendant with dazzling slightly color change pink-violet sapphire and small diamonds.


Invocations and instructions for each Archangel will be given via email.


You will receive also a free pouch with sacred plants fully charged with White Light Magic Energy! It will fully protect your Magical items from negative energies! Each my Magic Pouch with sacred plants has been blessed over and spelled by me. This pouch and these special plants are guaranteed to Recharge your Magical items so they will work at full Power! The Magic Pouch with sacred plants cleanse and recharge all of your Magickal Treasures and you may place one piece or several inside at once.


Payment Policy

I accept PayPal only. Your item will be shipped as soon as payment is received.


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I ship all my items via Registered Mailâ„¢ with tracking number. Delivery time estimated within 7-22 business days. But this Shipping costs does not include insurance. If you want insured methods of shipping, please tell me BEFORE you pay.


By Legal Laws I am required to state the following: You must be 18 years old in the U.S. to purchase any Magic, Paranormal, or Psychic services. Services are considered purchased for the intentions of "entertainment only" by Law and this is not to be used as a substitute for professional care. I am also not responsible for any of harm from all the objects that I sell. You buy at your own risk. All of them are NOT in place of any treatment, legal aid, physician's care or advice of any kind. Please consult your GP or doctor for that. No specific result(s) can be guaranteed. I am not personally liable, in any way, for the results of the actions taken by the buyer. This is an "at your own risk" purchase. Any resulting effects in the real world you may or may not experience are in no way the responsibility of the seller. You agree to these terms and fully understand prior to making a purchase. As with all spirits, entries, and other magickals I can't be responsible for what happens or doesn't happen once you purchase your item.


Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Good luck and let all your paths will be blessed with

Peace and Love