Revenge Spell


100% Guaranteed Cast


Four Covens Spells & Witchcraft


The ultimate in Spells


This is serious so

please order carefully


Has someone done you a mischief?


Has someone sent bad luck your way?


Are you tired of being


on the


receiving end of


someone else's wrong doing?


Send it and more back to them,


give them a taste of their own


medicine, let them see what it is like. 



Why wait turn the tables now. 


Each person is unique and individual. 


So each Revenge Spell is unique and individual. 


Each Revenge Spell is fully customised to

your individual needs.


This is a Voodoo Revenge Spell

so carries ultimate power and strength.


This is an ancient African Voodoo Revenge Spell

that has been handed down through many, many generations. 



Using Voodoo Rituals handed down through generations

4 Covens will cast your Revenge Spell for you.  


Each of 4 Covens members -

thats 52 witches -

will unite to cast your

Revenge Spell over 7 nights. 


This is not a Revenge Spell that should be requested lightly.  


We will contact you within 48 hrs of order to discuss your specific needs and desires.




Helen 4 Covens