The Illuminati fountain of youth spell is one of the requirements of every new member. A member must be willing to turn their life over to the organization and give the best they can until their last breath. We are now offering this to our customers by choice, with no need to join our organization.


When you accept the fountain of youth spell, you will see your entire physical life change right away. You will age normally and die at the age of 104 as all of our members do. But you will look young until the day you die. You choose the age you want to look like and that is the age you will take on. For the rest of your life you will age slowly, so that when you are 100 you will still look young. No one will know your secret, and you will be the envy of everyone!


The fountain of youth spell supplies are very expensive and the spell is very complicated, so for this we do ask a higher price than most. We cannot just give this to anyone for any low price. We must recover our costs and the energy put forth to do the spell. Prepare to be amazed and see that every penny is worth it! You cannot find this anywhere else!





Kerrack’s Bazaar ~ Where the wisest go

Kerrack is a powerful sorcerer, spell caster, and summoner. For years Kerrack has worked in secret allowing only his private clients to receive his spell work. But now he has emerged to let the whole world enjoy his offerings! Our mission is not only to help you achieve your personal goals but also to insure you are guided and protected on your magickal journey!

*Legal Disclaimer: This item by law is offered for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. Seller is not responsible for any paranormal activities that may or may not occur. Also, no claims are made for health benefits that either preclude or supersede professional medical advice. Kerracks Bazaar is not responsible for lost or damaged uninsured packages and fraudulent chargebacks will be pursued to the furthest extent of the law.