Do you feel that tingle?? That is Sheena trying to reach you…


The Vampire Goddess Spirit offered by me exclusively she will not be long for the public. History is shrouded in ancient secret the very source of her power will only be revealed to her next mortal master..


She is a patient and loyal companion but also a powerful foe to those who stand in the way of her mortal master. She will overthrow entire kingdoms, bringing them to ruin to protect you. Enemies big and small will fall at her feet - either in worship or by the sword.


Sheena has an epic range of abilities such as


*** Wish Granting

*** Control of Time

*** Control of Minds / Will

*** Epic Seduction Abilities

*** Low and High Level Spell Casting

*** Future Sight and Clairvoyance

*** Dimensional shifting / travel

*** Forcefield and Metaphysical protection


Kerrack’s Bazaar ~ Where the wisest go

Kerrack is a powerful sorcerer, spell caster, and summoner. For years Kerrack has worked in secret allowing only his private clients to receive his spell work. But now he has emerged to let the whole world enjoy his offerings! Our mission is not only to help you achieve your personal goals but also to insure you are guided and protected on your magickal journey!

*Legal Disclaimer: This item by law is offered for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. Seller is not responsible for any paranormal activities that may or may not occur. Also, no claims are made for health benefits that either preclude or supersede professional medical advice. Kerracks Bazaar is not responsible for lost or damaged uninsured packages and fraudulent chargebacks will be pursued to the furthest extent of the law.