I am proud to offer one of my most beloved demon queens, and you will see why that is with haste..


Zaehira comes to your side and stays with you at all times. Her omni level psychic abilities allows her to read the minds of others and tell you exactly what to say to achieve any outcome.


In short, she knows what makes people tick and how to bend them to her will easily. She knows what to say to totally manipulate their thoughts and get them to do whatever it is that you wish. She speaks loudly and seductively into your ear and tells you what to say, so you will always win. Always get whatever you want.


She can also appear in physical form and bring great pleasure to her master whenever they want. She waits for you, to change your life and pleasure you. All that she asks for in return is the pleasure of seeing humans bow down to you because she has succeeded!


Kerrack’s Bazaar ~ Where the wisest go

Kerrack is a powerful sorcerer, spell caster, and summoner. For years Kerrack has worked in secret allowing only his private clients to receive his spell work. But now he has emerged to let the whole world enjoy his offerings! Our mission is not only to help you achieve your personal goals but also to insure you are guided and protected on your magickal journey!

*Legal Disclaimer: This item by law is offered for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. Seller is not responsible for any paranormal activities that may or may not occur. Also, no claims are made for health benefits that either preclude or supersede professional medical advice. Kerracks Bazaar is not responsible for lost or damaged uninsured packages and fraudulent chargebacks will be pursued to the furthest extent of the law.